about me


Did you click away yet?  No?  Fine then.   I’m Ellie.  I was born in the summer of ‘86.  I like to be outside.  I married my wonderful huz in August of 2008 and we’ve been getting happier ever since.  We met at Manchester College in Northern Indiana, he played basketball, I played soccer.  Now we live in a suburb of Louisville, KY. Together, I’m rediscovering a city I’ve lived in most of my life.    I like to do things with my hands; whether it be crafting, sewing, or taking photos.  Huz and I love to be outdoorsy; camping, kayaking, riding bikes, you name it.  We believe in Sunday Adventures.  I have a wonderful family (including in-laws) and I’ve been making some great friends since moving back to the area.  You can follow my adventures by following the blog.  Feel free to email me at theusualmischief@gmail.com if you have any further questions! that's it, you will not be tested on this.

Me and Huz